Body Dialogue Flow

pelvic floor
saTURDAY 14TH OF septembER AT 4PM

A relationship between the pelvis and throat develops from when we are embryos and remains throughout our lives thanks to fascial lines that directly connect them. This highly innervated connective tissue joins the muscles surrounding the pelvis and TMJ, including the pelvic and throats diaphragms.

When in sync, these diaphragms mirror one another facilitating breath, movement, and general well-being. However, if tension rises in one, it most often mirrors strain in the other. The good news is, this also works in reverse: in releasing tension in one you release tension in the other.

This Studio 1 Honey class is aimed at developing a relationship between both diaphragms and noticing how  this relationship can impact intra abdominal pressure as well as balance and fluidity in a practice.



With a background in gymnastics, a love for long distance running I resisted going to Yoga for a long time thinking it was for ‘softies’. However, after a friend dragged me to my first class, I knew that the practice would be with me for a LONG time. I began practicing regularly in 2011, through different career changes. Finally in 2015, when I was working in advertising in Dubai, I decided to do my first Ashtanga based teacher training in Bali and followed up with a Hatha and Ayurveda training in Ibiza in 2016 after  moving back to Montreal. Later that year I completed a Pilates Teacher Training in Montreal.

More than a love for Yoga and Pilates, I have a love for intelligent movement and how it reflects the inner workings of the mind but also has the power to expand it. Both these philosophies have had a huge influence on my life and how I deal with all kinds of experiences. I now combine both forms of movement in my classes to help practitioners find functional mobility, flexibility and strength in their bodies, as well as helping them develop greater awareness of the mind body connection.