SATURDAY 14TH septembER AT 10:30AM
This workshop will include both theoretical and practical segments, each based on the latest scientific research. We will explore vagal stimulation techniques inspired by yogic tradition, including breathing exercises, meditation, asanas, and kriyas. Students of all levels and backgrounds are welcome. You will leave this workshop with an in-depth understanding of the major impact of the vagus nerve on your daily life.
Heureusement, les dernières décennies ont vu une augmentation des études scientifiques sur le nerf vague, et les preuves scientifiques établissent un lien entre certaines composantes de la pratique du yoga et le bon fonctionnement de ce nerf.
Cet atelier comprendra une portion théorique ainsi qu’une portion pratique, toutes deux basées sur les dernières recherches scientifiques. Nous explorerons des techniques de stimulation vagales inspirées de la tradition yogique, incluant des exercices de respiration, de méditation, des asanas et des kriyas. Les élèves de tous niveaux et horizons sont les bienvenu(e)s. Vous repartirez de cet atelier avec une compréhension approfondie de l’impact majeur du nerf vague sur votre vie quotidienne.
A yoga teacher since 2014, it was my love of the practice that led me to complete a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, during which I was first introduced to neuroscience.
Fascinated by learning about the brain’s adaptive mechanisms, I completed a Master’s degree in neuroscience at McGill University, where my laboratory research focused on the potential protective effects of physical activity on memory and neuroplasticity in sleep deprivation.
My desire to more closely investigate the effects of yoga on the nervous system is currently leading me to integrate my neuroscientific knowledge into my yoga practice and teaching. I wish to develop approaches that cultivate the brain’s potential for transformation through conscious movement.
Action potential, a scientific term designating a process necessary for the transmission of information between neurons, carries an emancipating and poetic meaning for me, which is why I have chosen it to inaugurate this new chapter in my teaching life.